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The rock opera has 24 songs/scenes, including the overture. Now on the site you can read the lyrics, as well as studio audio recordings of some of them, to get an initial idea of ​​the rock opera.

2.The Story About Turaida Rose

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF

3. How hard to grow without a mother

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
How hard to grow without a mother
Without her caresses and love
Don't hear the songs at dark night
Don't feel her warm and gentle hands
Caressing my curly hair
Without a morning loving kiss
But my stepfather is a kind man
I was always desired child
With my stepsister we are friends
And we exchange with our secrets
As a child we often fell asleep
Like harmless little orphaned kittens
But how I want to see my mother
In dreams clinging to her chest
And share your sincere feelings
To a beloved and dear my young man
With whom I’d like to seal my life
I am like a clot of loving feelings
And now they asking to come out
That's why I want to love and loved
Don't keep unspoken words inside
Unexpressed feelings and desires
Share everything with your loved one
But how I want to see my mother
In dreams clinging to her chest
And share your sincere feelings
To a beloved and dear my young man
With whom I’d like to seal my life

5. The Gutman’s Cave

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Gutman's Cave is a fairy place
It will shelter from bad weather,
Evil eyes and evil spirits
Our rendezvous
Here we can express our feelings
Let this be our private house
To these walls we can confide
Our sincere words
This is truly magic place
Guardian's sword protecting it
All the troubles, all the problems
Will be stays out cave
You are kind, you are sincere
And your beauty lights up cave
You are like as a magnet
Attract to yourself
Let our words and our feelings
Be sincere and from the heart
Let the words not be far-fetched
And the feelings insincere
Let our words and our feelings
Be sincere and from the heart
Let the words not be far-fetched
And the feelings insincere
Maya&Victor with modulation
Let our words and our feelings
Be sincere and from the heart
Let the words not be far-fetched
And the feelings insincere

7. How I want to be loved

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
How I want to be loved
Know that you are desired
To feel happy and cheerful
And enjoy every day of life
Love is beautiful if It’s mutual
In waiting for the dawn
Waking up with the sunrise
With a smile in my minds
With a smile in my minds
Everyday flies by blink
In the waiting to meet him
And you tremble like an autumn leaf
Every time on a date with him
See the sparkle in his eyes
Hear the passion in his words
And feel in his tender hug
The warmth of trembling hands
The warmth of trembling hands
This world is for love
It’s awakening flame in us
Love sharpens our senses
But it is exposing us
Our souls are denuding
We’re as the kids inside
Any blow from the outside
Leaves deep wounds in the mind
How beautiful are your feelings
You're like a bright butterfly
The wind carries you so easily
There's happiness in your eyes
Love creates a bright aura
But it doesn't protect you
Butterfly needs for attention
From the evil wind and birds
From the evil wind and birds
Your chosen one has power
But he doesn't rule this world
You are vulnerable from enemies
Being close to him
You are beautiful as a rose
And good soul you have inside
Your thorns are for the enemies
To protect your tender soul
To protect your tender soul
This world is for love
It’s awakening flame in us
Love sharpens our senses
But it is exposing us
Our souls are denuding
We’re as the kids inside
Any blow from the outside
Leaves deep wounds in the mind
CHORUS with modulation:
This world is for love
It’s awakening flame in us
Love sharpens our senses
But it is exposing us
Our souls are denuding
We’re as the kids inside
Any blow from the outside
Leaves deep wounds in the mind
How I want to be loved
Know that you are desired
To feel happy and cheerful
And enjoy every day of life
Love is beautiful if It’s mutual
In waiting for the dawn
Waking up with the sunrise
With a smile in my minds
With a smile in my minds

8. Love is not Always Mutual

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Love is not always mutual
When you are in love with someone
Whose heart is already taken
By one who is close and dear to you
All you can is contemplating
How two people dear to you
Glow with happiness and
Warming you with their heat of love
Nothing I can do; how should I be?
How can I hide my feelings?
Night is my in the dark salvation
My pillow’s wet with bitter tears
Where can I find a faithful love?
Where is the one whose heart is free?
How I aspire to share my love
And feel always like a desired star in the sky
Love is not always open
You are in love, and she doesn’t know it
Doesn’t not look at you
Doesn’t know how hot your heart is
She lives in my mind
She is the queen of my dreams
When we meet, I catch her breath
The tender sight of her eyes
What to do, how to be?
How to share my feelings?
Night is my salvation
I live in sad dreams
How can I tell her about my feelings?
That all my heart is occupied by her
Her image is always front of me
I fall asleep and wake up with her name on my lips
CHORUS 2 with modulation
CHORUS 1 with modulation

09. How To Build A House?

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
What could be stronger in the world than love?
Stronger than the feelings it generates?
But, unfortunately, love has no bricks
From which you can build a house
Create comfort and materialize desires
So that love warms not only inside
But also on the outside, like a blanket of skin
Protecting from adversity and problems
I know that without income
You can't build a house
But without love this house
Can't warm you up with heat
How should I be, how should I build
Spacious and comfortable house?
There is love, but there is no wealth
But how I wish he was!
If you are from a low class
It’s no easily to reach the heights
To receive recognition and benefits
You can become a hero in war
But not everyone is ready to fight
In present time are many things to do
I create a beauty around me
Projecting into my inner world
Pre-CHORUS with modulation:
I know that without income
You can't build a house
But without love this house
Can't warm you up with heat
CHORUS with modulation:
How should I be, how should I build
Spacious and comfortable house?
There is love, but there is no wealth
But how I wish he was!

11. Love is rarely mutual

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Verse 1 instrumental
Verse 2:
It’s not easy, it is hard
To captivate a noble stallion
He wants freedom, to be himself
How to keep him in captivity?
What should I do?
I am proud, I can’t ask
I cannot force
But I want to be with him
Verse 3 instrumental
Verse 4:
Love is rarely mutual
But this is not my case
I like brutal and independent
To match my pride, my temper
Verse 5:
The family status obliges
To be proud and powerful
Don’t provide yourself
My attraction towards others
Verse 6:
But I must become a mother
For continue our lineage
And for this I need
To get marry him

12. A Man Must Be Free

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Verse 1:
How should I live?
Passions rage inside me
Women dream of marriage,
But freedom is dear to me!
Inside I’m a hypocrite
Outside I’m duplicitous
I can be gentle too
If I really need something
Verse 2:
Women are drawn to me
I want to flirt with them
Be passionate in bed
And lead in our game
But when a love affair
Becomes to me a burden
I try to get rid of
The heavy shackles of love
Love is wonderful
It motivates me
You're eager to fight
And blood boils in you
But after battle
Tiredness always comes
You need to relax
And be left alone, to be alone
Verse 3:
A man must be free
While you’re young
Gotta enjoys life
Family weighs down
I like men's feasts
And morning hangover
You’re free to choose
And in my desires
Verse 4:
But it turns me on
When a woman unfree
When she’s married
Or still engaged
She is like a fortress
Which must be taken!
A cunning plan is needed
To take this fortress
Love is wonderful
It motivates me
You're eager to fight
And blood boils in you
But after battle
Tiredness always comes
You need to relax
And be left alone, to be alone
CHORUS with modulation:
Love is wonderful
It motivates me
You're eager to fight
And blood boils in you
But after battle
Tiredness always comes
You need to relax
And be left alone, to be alone

13. I glow with passion inside

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Verse 1:
What me do? I want to love so much
The feelings are bursting to get out
But as soon as she’s next to me
It’s like I am turning to stone
Verse 2:
What to do? I’m like Don Juan
I glow with passion inside
But only see her charming gaze
I immediately withdraw into myself
How unbearable it’s to be shy
Wanting, wishing as if in emptiness
Others burn with mutual passion
And I love only in my sad dreams, in dreams
Verse 3:
What me do? I want to love so much
The feelings are bursting to get out
But as soon as she’s next to me
It’s like I am turning to stone
Verse 4:
How to be? How to live with this?
How can I overcome my shyness?
How to strengthen my male spirit?
I must find the right solutions soon!
How unbearable it’s to be shy
Wanting, wishing as if in emptiness
Others burn with mutual passion
And I love only in my sad dreams, in dreams
CHORUS with modulation:
How unbearable it’s to be shy
Wanting, wishing as if in emptiness
Others burn with mutual passion
And I love only in my sad dreams, in dreams

14.The Fire of Love

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Our feelings are time-tested
We are together as a one
Like two tight tenacious branches
Woven into one strong wreath
I'm asking for your hand
Be my wife, love of my life
I’ll become your defender
From envy and evil winds
Be my destiny, be mine
Cling to me my love
Like a tender birch to oak
And we will be unite
Let the fire of love
Burns in our hearth
Let it be in Gutman’s cave
But then in our house
And despite all winds
All bad weather
In sorrow and in joy
Warming our souls
CHORUS with modulation:
Let the fire of love
Burns in our hearth
Let this Gutman’s cave
Will become as our house
And despite all winds
All bad weather
In sorrow and in joy
Warming our souls
How long I have waited
This wedding ring from you
Your purest love confessions
And sincereness in your words
I will be a faithful wife
So loving and tender
I’ll protect our hearth of love
And I’ll give you many children
May our loving hearts
Join together
Just like our souls
With this red magic scarf
Let the fire of love
Burns in our hearth
Let this Gutman’s cave
Will become as our house
And despite all winds
All bad weather
In sorrow and in joy
Warming our souls
CHORUS with modulation:
Let the fire of love
Burns in our hearth
Let this Gutman’s cave
Will become as our house
And despite all winds
All bad weather
In sorrow and in joy
Warming our souls

15. Let's not regret, let's not be sad

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
How you have grown, my dear child
You have become mature and wise
No wonder people gave you a name
Lovely maiden Turaida rose
I protected you as best I could
I taught you everything that knew
But you grew up and have the right
To choose your fate, your private life
I am grateful for your love
You much have done that for mine
You raised me as own daughter
And I’ll always remember this
Now I have beloved man
Whose is ready to marry me
And I want to trust to him
Take care of me and my life so full of love
Let's not regret, let's not be sad
Let's not put out fire hearth
We’ll be keeping our past
In our heads and our hearts
Let's not regret, let's not be sad
Let's not put out our fire hearth
We will be keeping our past
In our souls, in our heads, in our hearts

17. Such complicated feelings

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
I just found out
Victor proposed to Maya
And she and Greif are discuss
When to hold the wedding
They have such tender feelings
They are so in love
That they are ready to create
A family hearth in Gutman’s cave
Don’t be jealous
Of someone else’s happiness
It’s a grave sin, remember
You need to be the happiest
And what about your Adam?
What’s your relationship?
When will he finally decide
To propose you to marry him?
Adam is a little weird
Sometimes he is gentle
Sometimes he's like a stranger
It's very difficult for me
I don't want to impose myself
Because I'm proud inside
This is your upbringing, mom
But I'm at a loss
Yes, it is not easy
To live in such uncertainty
But your father also
Wasn’t generous with sincere feelings
Go with him tomorrow
To the Stone of Eternal Love
Check your feelings
For sincerity on the part of both
That's a good idea, Mom!
I'll suggest he go to the cave
And then I'll take him
To test our feelings on the stone

18. You should not play at love

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Pre-Verse 1:
How to know where is lives a love?
How to find the right path there?
Who will tell, who will show this way?
Who will tell me how long I have to wait?
Perhaps there are obstacles on the way,
These are our inner traits:
Pride, whim, hypocrisy and fear –
How can we overcome this? How to transgress them?
They interfere with life, with so much in love, how do I do?
Pre-Verse 2:
I know where is lives a love –
She is so wonderful
She’s as soft as a white cloud
But other people live in it, not me, not me
Verse 2:
I am now happy for someone else's happiness
I am like a little child
Looking through the keyhole
On the one hand, I am happy for them,
On the other hand, I want to be happy myself, what can I do?
Pre-Verse 3:
I live in the land of love,
It’s a wonderful world of feelings
Every day I meet sunrise
With a smile, a desire to love and be loved
Verse 3:
But happiness can be fragile -
It needs to be taken care of
From lies, hypocrisy and fear
And enjoy every day, every hour with him,
Every moment with him, every look of his loving eyes
Someone is already loved, and she is in love
And someone is in search of love
Verse 4:
You should not play at love
You must be honest and sincere
Let them love you just the way you are
Morning, evening, when you're tired and not forces, in joy and sorrow, every day and every hour.

20. Oh, how sweet is this sinful fruit

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Verse 1:
Our world is very complex
People everywhere insidious and envious
To survive in it you must be strong
Be resourceful and without principles
Verse 2:
Anything you need, you take by force
Moral principles are for the meek
We are all mortal in this complex world
But there are too many lustful temptations
Oh, how sweet is this sinful fruit
How I want to taste this inviting maid,
Pure and untarnished, full of life
This fresh and juicy, whole ruddy apple
Verse 3:
I like women, proud and unfree,
Above all else, unyielding virgins
They first must be harnessed by a warrior,
Tempted by a world of debauchery and wars
I am like a hawk who has seen his prey,
Swooping down to take possession her
Oh, how sweet is this sinful fruit
How I want to taste this inviting maid,
Pure and untarnished, full of life
This fresh and juicy, whole ruddy apple
CHORUS with modulation:
Oh, how sweet is this sinful fruit
How I want to taste this inviting maid,
Pure and untarnished, full of life
This fresh and juicy, ruddy whole apple

21. A Rose has the thorns

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
Verse 1:
Yes, I know that I lived by love
It filled me, made me drunk like a glass
Of white aged wine
Verse 2:
I believe that my love is strong
A Rose has the thorns-she must defend itself
But will be not hurt, who gently hug
Verse 3:
Yes, I know that not lived in love
But women’s love made me drunk like a glass
Of strong moonshine
I believe that passion is very strong!
A man's embrace is not afraid of the thorns a rose
They don’t hurt like a sharp battle sword
(They don’t leave scars like a sharp sword)
Pre-CHORUS instrumental
Passion and Love, they are separate and one
They can be like two wings to a bird of happiness
Or they maybe separate, then for a bird without a wing
Clouds and mountains will be inaccessible
Verse 1:
Yes, I know that I lived by love
It filled me, made me drunk like a glass
Of white aged wine
Verse 3:
Yes, I know that not lived in love
But women’s love made me drunk like a glass
Of strong moonshine
Pre-CHORUS instrumental
Passion and lust, they are separate and one
The impulses of love were inaccessible to me
I am like a wounded raven, I fly with only one wing
But I fly up only in a dream, not in really live
CHORUS 3 with vodulation:
Respect and Love, they must be one!
Like two wings of a bird of happiness, forever one!
Cut my scarf!
Hit harder! A-a-a
Oh, no! Why did you do this?! Now I will be accused of murder and hanged! I would prefer to get rid of my lust and shame myself!

23. Turaida Rose - a Symbol of Fidelity In Love

Music&Lyrics by Vladimir BOGATOFF
 Choir&backing vocal:
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
Verse 1:
It’s not easy living in love
Filled with sincere feelings
Not everyone can withstand
Someone else’s envy and lies
Verse 2:
Love is a crystal ball
In it, life plays with light
It’s like a fairy tale inside
Live in love it’s so fine!
Verse 3:
Crystal is fragile in life
The strong blows from outside
Can destroy his defences
And hurt inside loving hearts
How hard it’s to die in your prime
To end a life full of dreams
But remain true to love
Keeping your vow of fidelity
Maya proved to the whole world,
That love can be stronger than death
That honor and dignity
Mean a lot in our life
CHORUS (choir&backing vocal):
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
2 Verse 1:
Darkness covered the crystal ball
The light began slowly fade
The fairy tale froze inside
It became afraid for love
2 Verse 2:
Evil and violence must be resisted
But it's hard to be alone
Must take the blow yourself
That to save the real love
2 Verse 3 with modulation:
The Guardian’s Sword is a chance
To avoid from human shame
You just need to take a step
To go in beautiful world of eternal love
Pre-CHORUS with modulation:
How hard it’s to die in your prime
To end a life full of dreams
But remain true to love
Keeping your vow of fidelity
Maya proved to the whole world,
That love can be stronger than death
That honor and dignity
Mean a lot in our life
CHORUS with modulation (choir&backing vocal):
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
Turaida Rose, Turaida Rose
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
A symbol of Fidelity in Love!
Victor settled in a small cave, next to Gutman’s cave, where he grew old… Now couples in love who come to the stone find a fresh red rose on it, which, according to legend, is left every Friday by the suffering Victor. To this day, this Stone keeps the feelings of Maya and Victor, and every couple in love can test their feelings by embracing this stone together.

© "Amber Way Studio"